Test stands
Installations for the verification of products or other components
The test stands are important means for assuring the quality, for reducing at minimum the losses of products. The life duration of products can be presented tipically in a diagram, the so-called »duck curve«, as failure rate, depending on the life duration (see the chart).
The life duration …
determines the period in which a technical product can be used without replacing the central components or a complete failure. In order to ensure the quality, it is important to test the mechanical and electrical characteristics of the new products even from the time of their development. For this purpose, test stands are used for determining the life duration. For this, the samples are mechanically fixed in supports and exposed to a permanent alternating request (for example rotation moment and/or traction force – compression force).
This happens uninterruptedly, usually for a period of up to three months. Within this period, the parameters to be measured will be recorded (for example moment of rotation, force, speed, track, current, temperature).
Incircuit Tests ...
are testing procedures by which the (electronic) pretested product is subject to an intermediary verification before continuing the production, namely assemblage. By intermediary verifications, the products that are not good are evacuated before reaching the final process (final assemblage or final production). The intermediary verifications will be carried out for example at conductor plates and even at modulary equipped conductor plates. The adhesion problems, errors at components, including couplings, are tested.
End of Line Tests (EOLT) ...
are testing procedures in production by which the 100% functioning of newly produced products is verified at the end of the production process.
Also, these serve for ensuring the quality, their name coming from the fact that most automated test stands are directly at the end of assemblage and production lines, from spatial point of view.